Menpora tegaskan 17 Maret bukan kongres biasa

Senin, 25 Februari 2013 - 23:19 WIB
Menpora tegaskan 17 Maret bukan kongres biasa
Menpora tegaskan 17 Maret bukan kongres biasa
A A A - Komite Penyelamat Sepak bola Indonesia (KPSI) menolak di gelarnya Kongres Luar Biasa PSSI 17 Maret mendatang, pasalnya KPSI merasa keberatan dengan KLB tersebut walaupun sebelumnya KPSI dan PSSI telah sepakat. Pasalnya hal tersebut diangap wujud tidak konsistennya FIFA sebagai induk organisasi sepak bola.

Menteri pemuda dan olahraga (Menpora) Roy Suryo menegaskan, status kongres PSSI pada 17 Maret 2013 nanti adalah luar biasa hal itu berdasarkan surat yang diterima dari kepala divisi anggota FIFA Primo Corvaro. Menurut Roy, FIFA menyatakan kongres nanti berstatus luar biasa.

“Status kongres luar biasa ditulis FIFA dalam surat tertanggal 22 Februari 2013. FIFA menegaskan kongres 17 Maret bukan kongres biasa, tapi kongres luar biasa,” jelas Roy di Kantor Kemenpora, Jakarta, Senin (25/2/2013).

Mengenai peserta yang hadir di KLB 17 Maret nanti, Roy menyatakan, pemilik suara adalah lembaga, dan bukan perorangan. Karena itu, peserta kongres haru secepatnya diverifikasi, supaya tidak mengganggu agenda kongres yang telah ditetapkan.

“Poin kedua dalam surat FIFA itu dinyatakan bahwa voter Solo yang dimaksud adalah lembaga bukan perorangan. Kami sudah minta tim verifikasi untuk melakukan verifikasi. Verifikasi peserta kongres harus secepatnya dilakukan, menghindari kondisi yang tidak diinginkan,” pungkasnya.

Isi Surat FIFA 22 Februari 2013 :

Dear Honourable Minister,

Many thanks for your update and we acknowledge the meeting between the parties which seemingly shows good will which is of paramount importance to overcome the current situation.

After consultation with the AFC, here are some comments with regard to your feedback:
- the date and the deadline's requirements of the Congress. We deem that the upcoming Congress be considered as an extraordinary Congress. Since the statutes ask for a four weeks prior notification for such a Congress, the agreement of the 18 February can be considered as complying with the requirement. It is now important to draft the agenda and send it to the members. We anticipate it will only contain the four topics mentioned in the FIFA and AFC decision. To note that it will not be possible to alter the agenda during the Congress due to the fact it is extraordinary. However and in case it might disgruntle people, it is important to know that an ordinary Congress should take place in the following weeks and it would give the opportunity to the members to raise any concern.

- the issue of the delegates. FIFA and AFC refer to the member which took part in the Solo Congress and not to the person. It means that the clubs/institutions which participated in the Solo Congress are entitled to designate delegates. It could happened that it ends up with the same person but only after due confirmation by the member.

I thank you again for keeping us informed about any progress and I wish you all the best in helping to ensure that the FIFA and AFC requirements are met. I hope that we will soon also hear good news with regard to the reunification of the two leagues or with regard to the statutes of the PSSI which are part of the FIFA and AFC requirements.
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